September 28, 2014
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Part 4: Is The Bible Authoritative?
- Chris Studenski
The Word of God is uniquely present in the Canon of Scripture.
The Word of God is uniquely present in the Canon of Scripture.
When it comes to the Bible, can we trust that credible testimony was handed down accurately?
Our one-of-a-kind Book has a one-of-a-kind story.
Among the world’s great books, the Bible is without parallel.
If we want to make changes as a result of this series, “say a prayer and post a guard” (Nehemiah 4:9).
What might a God-honoring 180 look like?
Three signs that your media might be leading you down a dangerous path.
Every yes is a no to something else.
Wise people approach modern media as both a tool and a trap.
God doesn’t abandon us in the pit, nor is He done with us if we find ourselves on top of the world.