December 8, 2014
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Part 2: The Shepherd & The Lamb
- Chris Studenski
The Good Shepherd became the Sacrificial Lamb.
The Good Shepherd became the Sacrificial Lamb.
Luke’s investigation merits a response.
How can we shine brightly together in the Powderhorn neighborhood?
How can we shine brightly together in Juarez, Mexico?
How can we shine brighter together in the Northeast Suburbs?
In this dark world, we’ve been called to shine brightly together.
Mark is the Superintendent of the Northwest Conference of the Evangelical Covenant Church. In his message, Mark challenged us to reflect on how fleeting life is. (Psalm 39:1-13)
Christians have always been a people of the Book. Are you a reader?
What do intelligent, educated, truth-seeking people do with the Bible’s whatabouts?
It’s easy to miss the point of the Bible when you can’t see Who the Bible is pointing to.