September 25, 2016
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Part 3: Sin In The Camp
- Chris Studenski
Disregarding difficult Passages in the Bible can be dangerous.
Disregarding difficult Passages in the Bible can be dangerous.
Christ Himself is our peace.
People of the Book march into battle with humility.
The Bible is a Christ-centered Book that invites us to experience the benefits of a Christ-centered life.
The hope of the future is not found in societal progress but in the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Civilized cultures advocate for individual rights and righteousness.
How do you effectively advocate for truth when you don’t agree on the definition?
What Daniel knew by faith, we know by name.
God is King over all that is seen, unseen, and yet to be seen.
What can we learn from Daniel about walking by faith when we’re confused or afraid or both?