March 19, 2017
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Part 3: Greater Than Moses
- Jason Peterson
“How do we trust in God when we face trials?”
“How do we trust in God when we face trials?”
What’s your response to the Messenger’s Message?
In these last days, God has spoken to us by His Son.
Church facilities should facilitate God-honoring growth.
Personal records require the right personal resources.
Substantive growth is highly unlikely if you don’t bring church home.
How can “Small Church” help more people become more like Jesus?
How can “Big Church” help more people become more like Jesus?
Why are most Westerners pace-setters in just about everything except God-honoring growth?
What can we learn about casting out unclean spirits from the One Who was never deceived, manipulated, or controlled by them? Video referenced at the end of the sermon here.