August 3, 2014

Part 1: Pixilated Problems

  • Chris Studenski

Wise people approach modern media as both a tool and a trap.

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July 6, 2014

Part 5: First Things First

  • Chris Studenski

Your calendar is a remarkably accurate idol detector.

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June 29, 2014

Part 4: Work As Witness

  • Chris Studenski

A God-honoring witness involves doing good work and sharing the good news.

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June 22, 2014

Part 3: T.P.W.E.

  • Chris Studenski

The Protestant Work Ethic has the power to change your life and change our world.

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June 15, 2014

Part 2: It Was Good

  • Nick Brannen

Why does work feel like a four-letter word?

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June 8, 2014

Part 1: If I Were The Devil

  • Chris Studenski

Christianity offers an approach to work as compelling as it is counter-cultural.

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February 2, 2014

Part 4: Through Fire

  • Chris Studenski

Jesus walked through fire so that we don’t have to walk alone.

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January 26, 2014

Part 3: Upstream

  • Nick Brannen

How do we walk with God, when it seems like the world is going the other way?

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January 19, 2014

Part 2: In Every Season

  • Chris Studenski

Is it possible to experience a deeper, more transformational walk with God at the pace of life?

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January 12, 2014

Part 1: Follow The Leader

  • Chris Studenski

Is Solomon’s counsel wise or naive? Note: This week’s recording did not capture the entire message. 

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