April 24, 2016

Part 4: Endurance

  • Chris Studenski

You can give yourself the gift of a future filled with greater happiness!

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April 17, 2016

Part 3: Through The Storm

  • Chris Studenski

Is your storm shelter ready?

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April 10, 2016

Part 2: North Star Navigation

  • Chris Studenski

God wants you to experience the kind of happiness that you won’t regret later.

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April 3, 2016

Part 1: Off Course

  • Chris Studenski

Do Christians have to choose between the pursuit of happiness or holiness?

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February 14, 2016

Part 1: New Beginnings

  • Chris Studenski

Disciples of Jesus Christ have been Marked.

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February 7, 2016

Part 7: His Commission

  • Rob Scott

God-honoring churches share God’s global perspective. Rob Scott is an ECC Member & the Director of Refugee Life Ministries. Hear his message about tangible ways that we can minister to the nations.

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January 31, 2016

Part 6: His Compassion

  • Chris Studenski

We honor God by sharing the good news and by doing good deeds.

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January 24, 2016

Part 5: The Witness

  • Chris Studenski

Individually, we’re one lamp on a stand. Together, we can shine like a city on a hill!

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January 17, 2016

Part 4: The Walk

  • Brandon Gilliam

We honor Christ by becoming more like Him.

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January 10, 2016

Part 3: The Word

  • Chris Studenski

Disciples of Jesus Christ honor the Word.

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