August 5, 2018

Part 4: Ask

  • Jason Peterson

Contentment is the antidote to anxiety but how do we get there?

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July 29, 2018

Part 3: Rejoice

  • Chris Studenski

Your Creator invites you to follow your soul-level longings home.

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July 22, 2018

Part 2: Science & Scripture

  • Chris Studenski

There’s hope when we embrace our Creator’s design and instructions

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July 15, 2018

Part 1: Press In

  • Chris Studenski

If you’re experiencing anxiety, you’re not alone.

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July 8, 2018

Part 5: Entrusting

  • Dan Swartz

If we fail to entrust our best to the next generation our best becomes our history.

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July 1, 2018

Part 4: Equipping

  • Chris Studenski

Telling and training are two very different things.

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June 24, 2018

Part 3: Modeling

  • Jason Peterson

“The question is not are we passing things on to our children, but what are we passing on to our children.”  – Mark Holmen.

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June 17, 2018

Part 2: Welcoming

  • Chris Studenski

Most kids don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.

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June 10, 2018

Part 1: Troubling Trends

  • Chris Studenski

Emmanuel is committed to helping young people thrive today, tomorrow and into eternity.

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June 3, 2018

Resurrection Matters

  • Dan Swartz

God provides a path beyond morality into life with the power of the resurrection.

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