“The Son of Man came not to be served by to serve…” -Mark 10:45

Jesus taught us that our witness to the world begins with our commitment to one another (John 13:34-35).  When you step up to serve as Christ did, everyone wins.  Serving on a team is a great way for you to make and deepen friendships, make a difference in the lives of others, and to shine as Jesus envisioned (Matthew 5:14-16).

ECC Kids

One of the best ways to care for families is to care for their kids. God has entrusted our church with a LOT of kids and there’s always a need on Sunday mornings for small groups leaders, classroom assistants, administrative support, and help with setting up and taking down.
Get started today by submitting one of the following applications:
For more information email Kids@emmanuel.church.

ECC Teen

Think about how many life-altering decisions are made during the teen years! We’re always in need of caring mentors who can help us come along side teens and their families during these formative years. Our Youth Group meets on Wednesday nights during the school year and we offer special programs and events year-round.

For more information contact Pastor Dan Swartz (dan@emmanuel.church).

ECC Cafe

This is the team that brews the coffee and keeps our treat table filled with goodies on Sunday mornings.

For more information contact Kelsey Crenshaw (kelsey@emmanuel.church)

Prayer Team

A team of committed men and women pray for every request that comes our way. We also make personalized prayer available during and after every Sunday service.

For more information contact Dan Swartz.

Worship & Tech

This team includes our worship band, audio mixing, and video projection. The people who decorate our Worship Center are also part of this team. If you love music, electronics, or making things beautiful start a conversation with Jason.


For more information contact Kelsey Crenshaw (kelsey@emmanuel.church).

Sunday Ushers, Greeters, and Welcome Team

Who doesn’t like to feel welcomed? First time guests visit Emmanuel almost every Sunday. This is one of the teams who communicates, “We’ve been expecting you” to those brave souls who take that big first step of a first visit. There opportunities to serve for those who love to meet new people and those who prefer to work behind the scenes.

For more information contact Katie Hoganson.

Serving Communion

We gather around the Lord’s Table on a monthly basis. This is the team that prepares and serves this holy meal.

For more information contact Kelsey Crenshaw (kelsey@emmanuel.church).

Juntos Ministries

Juntos is Emmanuel’s new bilingual Spanish ministry led by Pastor Henry Burbano. We are looking for volunteers to serve our Juntos community by volunteering in the bilingual Sunday Worship Services, the Juntos Small Church gatherings, Interpreting, or other needs as they arise.

For more information contact the Juntos team (juntos@emmanuel.church).

Cleaning and/or Maintenance

We have an office in Shoreview that gets used a lot and we now have a new Studio Space for meetings, filming, youth and adult events.  We have a lot of space to care for! Be part of a team of volunteers who saves our church thousands of dollars in custodial fees so we can invest them in better ways.

For more information contact Kelsey Crenshaw.

Leading / Hosting a Small Church

Life change happens when we do life together in Jesus’ name. Contact Myndi Lawrence (myndi.lawrence@emmanuel.church) to learn more about leading or hosting a Small Church.


The ECC care team needs you! ECC has a team of people who are committed to meeting the tangible needs in our church family. We are looking to grow this team, both in membership and in the number of people we can serve. If you have interest and availability to prepare and deliver meals, make baby blankets or prayer shawls, or provide rides to and from appointments for church members, please email Maggie Rocke at Maggie.rocke@gmail.com to be added to the care team. There are no meetings and no requirements for participation, you can respond to requests as you are able!