January 24, 2016
View Message
Part 5: The Witness
- Chris Studenski
Individually, we’re one lamp on a stand. Together, we can shine like a city on a hill!
Individually, we’re one lamp on a stand. Together, we can shine like a city on a hill!
We honor Christ by becoming more like Him.
Disciples of Jesus Christ honor the Word.
Our world has a Savior – and He’s given us a mission.
Join us as we explore what it means to be a “God With Us” church!
How does one gift-wrap the fullness of God?
Hark! The Herald Angels Sing reminds us of Who Jesus is and why we, along with all heaven, sing His praise.
Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel has come and will come again!
There’s a big difference between inspirational Christmas songs and a fun holiday playlist.
Your office isn’t exempt from our Great Commission.