Experience Lent With Us

We invite you to join with millions of believers around the globe as we observe a season called Lent. Lent is a time of focused repentance and reflection that begins on Ash Wednesday and ends right before Easter.

Easter Sunday, April 20

Celebrate Easter with us!

In-Person Services

Our in-person services at the Shoreview Community Center will be at 8:30, 9:30, and 10:30am.  Come early!

Online Services

Online Easter services will be available starting at 7:00am right here on our website, on YouTube, or at Facebook.com/emmanuelcovenant.

Good Friday Services, April 18

On Good Friday we will commemorate one of history’s darkest moments, and celebrate all that God accomplished through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ.

In-Person Services

This year we will be offering Good Friday services at the Shoreview Community Center on Friday, April 18 at 5:00pm and 6:30pm.

Online Live Stream Service

Join our live stream on YouTube at 5:00pm or at 6:30pm

Palm Sunday, April 13

This service starts Holy Week and is a highlight of the year as we commemorate Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem with songs of worship and a Palm Processional with our ECC Kids.  You won’t want to miss it!

In-Person Services

Palm Sunday services will be offered at our regular service times of 9:00 and 10:30am live, in-person at the Shoreview Community Center.

Online Services

Online services will be available starting at 7:00am right here on our website, on YouTube, or at 10:00am on Facebook.com/emmanuelcovenant. Invite your friends!

Ash Wednesday, March 5

Ash Wednesday is the start of a season called Lent where followers of Christ intentionally refocus their hearts and minds on confession, forgiveness and reconciliation. Join us as we begin the journey of Lent with an Ash Wednesday Service on Wednesday, March 5.

In-Person Service

We will have a live, in-person service at 7:00pm at the Shoreview Community Center. The evening will include worship, teaching, the imposition of ashes, and is open to families with kids all ages.

Online Live Stream Service

Join our live stream on YouTube

Almsgiving for Lent

Emmanuel Children’s Home

Almsgiving is the act of giving to those in need as a tangible expression of Christian love. This year the focus of our giving is going toward the Emmanuel Children’s Home in Juarez, Mexico.  Emmanuel Children’s Home is an oasis of hope in one of the world’s most dangerous cities.  They provide a loving, safe, and God-centered home for some of Juarez’s most vulnerable children.

3 Ways You Can Give

One-Time Gift: 

After losing their building to a fire in 2020, Emmanuel Children’s Home is building a new school! Click HERE to donate online. For more information about the home, go to www.emmanueljuarez.org

Sponsor a Child: 

$45.00 / month – Sponsor Now

Not only will you provide for a child’s needs, but you will be able to interact with your child and develop a real relationship that will bless both you and the child. Just $45 a month joins you with 5 other sponsors to provide for his or her care in the Children’s Home.

You may consider giving more to help with the complete cost of their care in the home ($270 a month per child) and their educational costs in the school ($100 a month per child).

Visit the Home:

Join us this July as we visit the Home and provide needed programming for the children as well as work on projects to improve and restore their facilities.  For more information or to register CLICK HERE.

Resources for Making the Most of Lent

What is Lent? 

Here’s an article from CRU that gives a quick snapshot of why the Church has observed Lent for the past 2,000 years.


Why Is Good Friday Good?

Here’s an article on why we call one of the darkest moments in human history, “Good Friday.”


Lent Playlist

Some of our favorite songs that keep us focused on Christ during Lent.