october, 2017
20octAll Day22ECC Teen Sr. High MEA Retreatclick here

Event Details
High School MEA Retreat @ Covenant Pines Life is crazy. Especially for High Schoolers. Between school, sports, plays, choir, friends and family, it’s difficult to make time
Event Details
High School MEA Retreat @ Covenant Pines
Life is crazy. Especially for High Schoolers. Between school, sports, plays, choir, friends and family, it’s difficult to make time for God. Even youth group can feel like another item on the to-do list. This fall retreat is a great way for students to take a small step back and refocus on their relationship with God. These extended times away from the to-dos of life are so essential for our spiritual growth. We invite you to this fall retreat for just that purpose. Look forward to great worship and Biblical messages from our speaker.
october 20 (Friday) - 22 (Sunday)
Covenant Pines Camp
43696 245th Pl, McGregor, MN 55760
Dan Swartzdan@emmanuel.church